Meet The Founders

We’re Zeak and Tahnee Murador, founders of ET Nutrition and also of ET Fitness, our coaching business and sister company to ET Nutrition. We’ve been training and coaching for many years, starting our ET Fitness brand in 2019 where we provide both fitness and nutrition advice across Australia.


Zeak has always lived an active lifestyle since childhood, having been involved in squad swimming and then competing as a bodybuilder for years. When he developed Ulcerative Colitis (bowel disease) a few years ago, he and Tahnee decided it was time to prioritise their own health. They flipped their lives upside down, travelling the country with their kids before settling on the Sunshine Coast, where Zeak found his true passion as a ‘mini Tony Robbins’. His coaching skills and comprehensive knowledge of health and fitness are what really drive his clients and motivate them to be the best they can be in all areas of life.


Tahnee has been involved in the health and fitness industry from a young age, first starting as a PT in Australia and then travelling overseas. When she and Zeak started their family, they wanted to start ET Fitness to take control of their careers and show others how to reach their health and fitness goals even with a busy schedule. As new parents and business owners themselves, they really offered an incredible example of what can be achieved when you prioritise your time. Both Tahnee and Zeak live the lifestyle they advocate for, keeping active, getting outdoors, cooking good food at home, and utilising supplements and vitamins to stay fit and healthy for their family and business.

Our Mission

Through the years we’ve spent coaching in the health and fitness industry, we recognised a huge gap between clients’ knowledge and understanding about longevity and overall health markers, and the information they have access to via their GPs, social media, Google etc. We strive to improve every single one of our clients’ understanding and knowledge-base so that they can make confident decisions and actions towards their health goals. Nutrition is an extremely important piece of the puzzle that makes up a healthy lifestyle, so we want to offer a reliable one-stop-shop for high-quality vitamins and supplements that are each backed by scientific research, so that our clients and anyone looking to improve their health and elevate their training can do so with confidence and convenience. We got you!